Sunday, 17 June 2012

The Shared Wonder of Film

"Movies have the power to create a shared narrative experience and to shape memories and worldviews. British film director Beeban Kidron invokes iconic film scenes - from Miracle in Milan to Boyz n the Hood - as she shows how her group FILMCLUB shares great films with kids.
Beeban Kidron directed Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason and Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit. She also cofounded FILMCLUB, a charity for students devoted to the art of storytelling through film." 
The Shared Wonder of Film

Saturday, 9 June 2012

The Loneliness of the Goalkeeper

"'The Loneliness of the Goalkeeper', presented by writer, broadcaster, and former goalkeeper Hardeep Singh Kohli, and produced by Adam Fowler, is a Ladbroke Radio production, and was originally broadcast on BBC Radio 4. Enjoy!"

The Loneliness of the Goalkeeper

Sunday, 3 June 2012

The Psychopath Test

"Recently we heard about this test that could determine if someone was a psychopath. So, naturally, our staff decided to take it. This week we hear the results. Plus Jon Ronson asks the question: is this man a psychopath?"

This American Life

Thursday, 31 May 2012

The Colour of Money - 99% Invisible

"US paper currency is so ubiquitous that to really look at its graphic design with fresh eyes requires some deliberate and focused attention. So pull out a greenback from your wallet (or look at a picture online) and really take it in. All the fonts, the busy filigree, the micro patterns…it’s just dreadful."

The Colour of Money

Thursday, 24 May 2012

In Dog We Trust

"Stories of dogs and cats and other animals that live in our homes. Exactly how much are they caught up in everyday family dynamics? We answer this question and others." 

In Dog We Trust

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Life of Birds

"Birds are one of the most successful creatures on earth. Over 9,000 species span the globe, winging their way from the arctic to the Antarctic, from deserts to jungles. The Life of Birds uncovers new research into the behaviour of these perfectly adapted conquerors of the air. In this series, the secrets of birds' great successes comes to light - their remarkable strategies of finding food, their complex social systems, and their ingenious and often bizarre ways of mating and breeding. From high-speed aerial hunters and long-distance migrants to brilliantly coloured nectar-grazers, the comical and the bizarre, this is the definitive series on birds."

The Life of Birds

Sunday, 20 May 2012

The Days of Wine and Mouses - Freakonomics

"When you take a sip of Cabernet, what are you tasting? The grape? The tannins? The oak barrel? Or is it the price?
Believe it or not, the most dominant flavor may be the dollars. Thanks to the work of some intrepid and wine-obsessed researchers (yes, there is an American Association of Wine Economists), we have a new understanding of the relationship between wine, critics, and consumers.
One of these researchers is Robin Goldstein, whose paper detailing more than 6000 blind tastings reaches the conclusion that “individuals who are unaware of the price do not derive more enjoyment from more expensive wine.”
Why, then, do we pay so much attention to critics and connoisseurs who tell us otherwise? That’s the question we set out to answer. You’ll hear from Steve Levitt, who admits his palate is “underdeveloped,” about a wine stunt he pulled on his elders at Harvard’s Society of Fellows; and wine broker Brian DiMarco pulled a stunt of his own on his wine-savvy employees.

Also in this hour, I witness an incident in a restaurant that would doom any dining experience: a customer one table away was served a salad with a dead mouse in it. How does a business respond in the face of such a disaster?
Vincent Herbert, the CEO of the restaurant in question, Le Pain Quotidien, explains what happened and how he coped. Crisis-control expert Andrew Gowers gives us some insight from facing the public on behalf of Lehman Brothers, post-collapse, and BP after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill."

The days and Wine and Mouses

Friday, 6 April 2012

Baraka (directed by Ron Fricke, 1992)

"[A] cinematic guided meditation (Fricke’s own description) shot in 24 countries on six continents over a 14-month period that unites religious ritual, the phenomena of nature, and man’s own destructive powers into a web of moving images."