Thursday, 1 December 2011

The top 100 books of all time

"Take a look at a list of the top 100 books of all time, nominated by writers from around the world, from Things Fall Apart to Mrs Dalloway, and from Pride and Prejudice to Don Quixote".

Sunday, 6 November 2011

The Ascent of Money

'Bringing context and understanding to the current economic crisis, historian Niall Ferguson tells the story of money and the rise - and spectacular falls - of global finance throughout the ages" (

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Monday, 11 July 2011

The story of a man who’s lost everything

"The story of a man who’s lost everything. Clive Wearing has what Oliver Sacks calls “the most severe case of amnesia ever documented.” Clive’s wife, Deborah Wearing, tells us the story along with Oliver Sacks. And they try to understand why, amidst so much forgetting, Clive remembers two things: Music and Love."

Monday, 4 July 2011

La Dama y la muerte (directed by Javier Recio Gracia) - Goya Award for Best Animated Short Film in 2009

"Ganador del GOYA al mejor cortometraje de animación.
Nominado al OSCAR al mejor cortometraje de animación.

Escrito y dirigido por Javier Recio Gracia, nos narra en tono de comedia la historia de una anciana y el empeño de un médico en no afrontar la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico."

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Logorama (directed by the animated collective H5) - Academy Award for Animated Short Film in 2010

"This is a short film that was directed by the French animation collective H5, François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy + Ludovic Houplain. It was presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2009. It opened the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and won a 2010 academy award under the category of animated short."

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Iranian woman blinded by acid

"Extraordinary personal stories from around the world (...)

[A] remarkable interview with Ameneh Bahrami.

In 2004, she was an independent young woman living in the Iranian capital Tehran.

But her life changed forever when a rejected suitor called Majid Movahedi threw acid into her face, leaving terrible scars and blinding her in both eyes.

Ameneh started a campaign for him to be tried under an Islamic law which allows victims to have a say in the punishment of criminals.

She wanted Movahedi to be sentenced to have acid poured into his eyes - and what's more, she wanted to administer the punishment herself.

She won her case, although after an international outcry, the sentence is yet to be carried out."

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


"Yes, alone we are, deeply alone, and always, in store for us, a layer of loneliness even deeper. There is nothing we can do to dispose of that. No, loneliness shouldn't surprise us, as astonishing to experience as it may be. You can try turning yourself inside out, but all you are then is inside out and lonely instead of inside in and lonely(...) There is no protest to be lodged against loneliness - not all the bombing campaigns in history have made a dent in it. The most lethal of manmade explosives can't touch it. (...) Put your money on it, bet on it, worship it (...) bow down to the great god Loneliness!" (Philip Roth, American Pastoral)

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Romii şi soarta lor în Europa

"În jur de două treimi din cei în jur de 10 milioane de romi europeni trăiesc în Europa Centrală şi de Est.

Cine sunt romii est-europeni?

Serialul "Romii" a fost realizat în 2005 şi examinează agitata istorie a romilor, din antichitate şi până la Holocaust, ce îi uneşte şi ce îi diferenţiază pe romi atunci îşi definesc identitatea culturală, ce probleme şi ce viitor au romii în Europa secolului XXI.

Serialul prezintă aspecte din viaţa romilor din România, Bulgaria, Albania, Kosovo, Slovacia, Ungaria şi Polonia.

A fost realizat în română şi engleză şi tradus şi difuzat de secţiile colege din BBC în limbile maghiară, turcă, persană, pashto şi urdu.

Programul al şaptelea oferă răspunsuri la întrebările adresate de ascultătorii români pe marginea serialului."

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Europe by numbers: the complete interactive guide

"Who lives the longest? Who has the best healthcare? Who are the biggest social networkers? The worst at foreign languages? Browse the categories below or click auto-play for all the statistics you need to know about life in the European Union"

Friday, 18 March 2011

Art Project, powered by Google

"Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces."

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The Human Body II - An Everyday Miracle

"An Everyday Miracle – The drama of conception activates the most sophisticated life support machine on earth." (

Monday, 21 February 2011

The Human Body I - Life Story

"This astonishing series takes us on a journey breathtaking twists of the most complex biological mechanism on earth – the human body.
Life Story – Every second, a world of miraculous microscopic events take place within the body." (

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Examined Life

"In Examined Life, filmmaker Astra Taylor accompanies some of today’s most influential thinkers on a series of unique excursions through places and spaces that hold particular resonance for them and their ideas."

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Flamenco at 5:15

"This Oscar winning short documentary is an impressionistic record of a flamenco dance class given to senior students of the National Ballet School of Canada by two great teachers from Spain, Susana and Antonio Robledo."

Friday, 4 February 2011

Why Do We Talk?

"Talking is something that is unique to humans, yet it still remains a mystery.

Why Do We Talk? meets the scientists beginning to unlock the secrets of speech – including a father who is filming every second of his son’s first three years in order to discover how we learn to talk, the autistic savant who can speak more than 20 languages, and the first scientist to identify a gene that makes speech possible.

Horizon also hears from the godfather of linguistics, Noam Chomsky, the first to suggest that our ability to talk is innate.

A unique experiment shows how a new alien language can emerge in just one afternoon, in a bid to understand where language comes from and why it is the way it is."

Monday, 31 January 2011

Planet Earth (I) - From Pole to Pole

"Planet Earth is a 2006 television series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit Five years in the making, it was the most expensive nature documentary series ever commissioned by the BBC, and also the first to be filmed in high definition.

The first episode"From Pole to Pole" illustrates a 'journey' around the globe and reveals the effect of gradual climatic change and seasonal transitions en route."

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

The Human Animal (VI) - Beyond Survival

"Humans are animals with similar biological needs to other species. So why have we got art, cinema, sport, literature and philosophy? In the last programme in the series, Desmond Morris examines what the human animal does when it has sorted out its basic needs - food, warmth and shelter - and has gone beyond mere survival. Morris explores the inventiveness of human behaviour, and comes to some fascinating conclusions."

Monday, 24 January 2011

The Human Animal (V) - The Immortal Genes

"Desmond Morris looks at the natural history of the human parent and child. Why do homo sapiens devote more time to raising their young than any other animal? What makes parents sacrifice so much for their children, and why, once the offspring have been raised, don't humans simply die off as other creatures do? Desmond reveals how children offer a way of overcoming death itself."

Saturday, 22 January 2011

The Human Animal (IV) - The Biology of Love

"In this program, Desmond Morris analyzes the biological nature of love, with its attendant patterns of behaviour and signals of health and fertility that have evolved to ensure pair-bonding and genetic survival. The pre- and post-pubescent periods of sexual maturation, the stages of courtship, and the aesthetics of physical beauty are studied, along with the anatomical mechanics of sexual arousal and copulation. In addition, the stresses placed on couples by life in an urbanized, crowded world are explored."

Thursday, 20 January 2011

The Human Animal (III) - The Human Zoo

"A personal view of the human species by Desmond Morris. In evolutionary terms, the human animal has gone from mud hut to skyscraper in the mere twinkling of an eye. The cameras of the Natural History Unit capture the subtleties of human hierarchy in an English pub, the urge to set up and defend territory in a Tokyo park, and tribal behaviour as displayed by gangs in Los Angeles."

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

The Human Animal (II) - The Hunting Ape

"A personal view of the human species by Desmond Morris.This episode looks at our most fundamental activity - finding food, examining how humans exploit even the most inhospitable environments, and analysing how our origins as hunter-gatherers manifest themselves in the fast-food culture of the modern world."

Monday, 17 January 2011

The Human Animal (I) - The Language of the Body

"A personal view of the human species by Desmond Morris. This episode focuses on the planet's most advanced animal, beginning with a look at how man communicated before the evolution of language. Some gestures ans expressions are so ingrained that we have not been able to erase them from our vocabulary."

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Catalans de Romania

"Un reportatge sobre històries de la vida quotidiana de personatges anònims de la comunitat romanesa a Catalunya. "Catalans de Romania" és el quart capítol de la sèrie "Catalans de...", de Mònica Bertran i Pau Raya, amb realització de Martí Alharilla i direcció de Josep Morell i Josep Serra."