Friday, 30 April 2010

National Geographic Image Collection

"See hundreds of photos from the National Geographic Image Collection (...)."

Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight

"Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions -- motion, speech, self-awareness -- shut down one by one. An astonishing story."

Monday, 26 April 2010

History Trails (BBC)

"Articles, games, activities and quizzes that help make sense of the past and the sources that made history.

Pick a trail and start your journey. "

Sunday, 25 April 2010

BBC World Service - Documentaries

"Throughout the week BBC World Service offers a wide range of documentaries and other factual programmes."

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Free access to 3000 Live TV channels

"The ultimate guide to live TV webcasts (...). Sports, News, Movies, Entertainment and more. Watch Live TV stations broadcasting on the internet for free."

Monday, 19 April 2010

Plus de 1100 livres audio gratuits

"Rendre accessibles à tous les joies de la littérature : tel est le but de ce site internet (...).

Nos livres audio sont gratuits et téléchargeables au format mp3 pour que vous puissiez les écouter partout, par exemple sur votre baladeur numérique (...).

Bonne visite à tous."

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Great Literature Online

"At Great Literature On-line, we are dedicated to adding free, HTML formatted e-text for your reading enjoyment."

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Radio 3 Net "Florian Pittis" Un Radio In Culori: 1001 Albume (1001 albums you must hear before you die)

"1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die is a (...) list of the best, the most important, and the most influential pop albums from 1955 through 2003. Carefully selected by a team of international critics, each album is a groundbreaking work seminal to the understanding and appreciation of music from the 1950s to the present (...). Among the critics involved in selecting the list are some of the best known music reviewers and commentators, including Theunis Bates (music writer for Time and urban editor at, Jon Harrington (staff writer at MTV), Seth Jacobson (writer for Dazed & Confused), as well as many others." (

Friday, 16 April 2010

A beautiful piano sonata: Beethoven-Piano Sonata no 8'Pathetique'op 13 (Freddy Kempf)

ARTE + 7: un service à la carte sur Internet qui permet de visionner certains programmes d’ARTE

"Forte de ses contenus à haute valeur ajoutée, ARTE se devait d'offrir à ses internautes une plate-forme d’accès gratuit en streaming (non stockable sur l’ordinateur) à certains programmes sept jours après leur diffusion : une offre éditoriale unique dans un service exigeant sur la forme et le fond.
Sur ce site vous trouverez plusieurs heures de documentaires, spectacles, fictions TV, magazines, collections... autant d'émissions emblématiques de la Chaîne en haute qualité que vous pourrez voir ou revoir directement sur votre ordinateur, voire sur votre téléviseur."

Thursday, 15 April 2010

ACCU RAdio - The Next Generation of Radio

"AccuRadio is a multichannel Internet radio station specifically designed to showcase the potential of the exciting new medium of Internet radio!"

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

We choose the Moon

"A real-time recreation of the historic Apollo 11 mission to the Moon complete with round the clock audio transmissions and 3d animations representing each step along the way, distances, etc."

Site of 2009 for the FWA (Favourite Website Awards)

Free Documentary Films

"At we strongly believe that in order to have a true democracy, there has to be a free flow of easily accessible information. Unfortunately, many important perspectives, opinions, and facts never make it to our televisions or cinemas (you can watch movies in our media category if you want to know why)."

TVE a la carta

"¿Qué es TVE a la carta?

‘TVE a la carta ( beta)’ es la nueva forma de ver los programas y series de producción propia de Televisión Española a través de tu ordenador. Sólo necesitas una conexión a Internet."

Michael Sandel (Harvard): Justice - What's the Right Thing to Do?

"Justice is one of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history, having taught more than 14,000 students over the course of two decades.

In this course, Sandel challenges us with difficult moral dilemmas and asks our opinion about the right thing to do. He then asks us to examine our answers in the light of new scenarios. The results are often surprising, revealing that important moral questions are never black and white."

Academic Earth: free online video courses from leading universities

"Academic Earth offers free access to video courses and academic lectures from leading colleges and universities."

Smarthistory: a multimedia web-book about art and art history

"This site is being developed by Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker as a dynamic enhancement (or even substitute) for the static Western art history textbook."

Times Spelling Bee

"Times Spelling Bee - get a taste for the Spelling Bee Championship and practise your spelling with our interactive games."

BBC Languages

"BBC Languages - Learn languages in your own time and have fun."

Mi Vida Loca - Spanish for beginners

"Mi Vida Loca is an inmersive video mystery set in Spain to help you learn simple Spanish."


" is a virtual learning space that offers all the educational materials for learning the Catalan language. The course can be done with a self-managed learning method or a method with a tutor."

The Long News

"The Long News: stories that might still matter fifty, or a hundred, or ten thousand years from now."

TED: Ideas worth spreading

"Gather the world's leading thinkers and doers, offer them four days of rapid-fire stimulation, and the result? Unexpected connections. Extraordinary insights. Powerful inspiration."